Tata Wekesa, a teacher at St. Augustine Academy made history after attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the longest Science lesson. Wekesa, a teacher at St.Austine’s Academy, Nairobi taught Chemistry, Biology, and Physics for 62 hours, 33 minutes, and 34 seconds and recorded it on YouTube.
Wekesa shared that she had been preparing for the event by staying awake for 44 consecutive hours training her body. The event at the Multimedia University, Nairobi, drew local and international attention.
On her social media platforms, Wekesa said, “What I’ve done is just to show the world that (teaching) science for a longer time consistently is indeed possible. Through this record, I demonstrated that teaching is a noble profession in which teachers should be highly valued. This is a non-profit venture,”
Prior records include an attempt by an Indian Teacher, Kathiravan Pethi who taught a Science lesson for 50 hours in 2008. In 2014, Steve McDonald gathered 1,339 students for the largest science lesson.
Wekesa’s attempt to teach science subjects for the longest time still awaits ratification by Guinness World Records.